Christi Cantu Wilson
Vice President of Legislature
Christi is a native Texan and proud 20 year resident of Fort Worth. After 30 years practicing long hours in pediatric healthcare, she redirected her time and energy towards God, family, and Keeping America Great! After attending the Dallas Trump Rally in the Fall of 2019, she began attending Cowtown Republican Women and quickly recruited friends to join. Shortly thereafter, she signed up with Engage Texas Super PAC and became a Deputy Registrar for both Tarrant and Parker County. Later, she began working with the Texas Republican Party as the voter registration coordinator and hosted a ‘Women for Trump’ event. Christi also helped organize voter drives at area gun shows, Vietnamese and Filipino for Trump Rallies, and in direct voter contacts both block walking and by phone.
Locally, Christi became a precinct/senate district and state delegate for the TXGOP attending both conventions in early 2020. With Tarrant County, she became a poll watcher at both early voting sites and at the TC election office Ballot Board. Lastly, Christi has served as an alternate election judge for two terms helping oversee elections close to home.She looks forward to her role on the board of Cowtown Republican Women pursuing ultimate election integrity and assisting precinct chair duties to make Tarrant County great again.