Charla Brotherton
Past President
Charla Brotherton has been active as a Republican all her adult life. Locally she sought and won a contested race for precinct chair winning over 70 percent of the vote. Additionally, she has been an active member of the TCGOP Executive committee, the Lincoln Council, serves as an election judge, and has been a delegate to SD12 and SD10 and a state delegate since 2010. She has served as the district credentials committee in 2 district conventions and nominations committee for 1 district convention. She has served on the Tarrant County Republican Assembly board and currently serves as Treasurer of the Texas Republican Assembly. She has worked on campaigns at a grassroots level for more Republican candidates than one can count. She is a Pioneer member of Cowtown Republican Women and serves as its treasurer.
Charla Brotherton is the principal agent of Charla Brotherton Insurance Agency, LLC, which is a boutique insurance agency located in Fort Worth that caters to the needs of small business owners and individuals. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech and holds series 6 and 63 securities licenses.