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Media New

Media New

Media Let’s Get this Party Started! Registered Voters (Tarrant County) GOP Primary Voters Dem Primary Voters General Election Voters Register to Vote Here Join Cowtown Republican Women Today Join...
Meetings & Events – New V2

Meetings & Events – New V2

Upcoming Events and Meetings 2025 Upcoming Meetings One of the first “after hours” clubs in TFRW, Cowtown Republican Women (“CRW”) meets on the first Wednesday of the Month (except holidays) at River Crest Country Club located at 1501 Western Ave, Fort Worth, Tx...
Lori DeAngelis

Lori DeAngelis

Lori DeAngelis Vice President of Programs Lori DeAngelis is a lifelong Republican and Cowtown Republican Women’s first president. She voted Republican at her first chance (1984) for Ronald Reagan and ever since. Since becoming old enough to vote, Lori has worked...
Debbie Hunn New

Debbie Hunn New

Debbie Hunn Treasurer, CRW Debbie Hunn has been a Republican since the 1970’s.  Debbie has served as a State Delegate for Senate District 10 since 2018.  As a member of the Texas Federation of Republican Women she served as a Voting Delegate in 2019 and 2021.  She is...
Christi Cantu Wilson New

Christi Cantu Wilson New

Christi Cantu Wilson Vice President of Legislature Christi is a native Texan and proud 20 year resident of Fort Worth. After 30 years practicing long hours in pediatric healthcare, she redirected her time and energy towards God, family, and Keeping America Great!...
Charla Brotherton New

Charla Brotherton New

Charla Brotherton Past President Charla Brotherton has been active as a Republican all her adult life.  Locally she sought and won a contested race for precinct chair winning over 70 percent of the vote.  Additionally, she has been an active member of the TCGOP...
Alana Long New

Alana Long New

Alana Long Board Member at Large, CRW Alana Long is a contributing member of Fort Worth, always happy to be involved. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, snowboarding, traveling and old movies. Alana is a graduate of The University of Colorado and is involved in real...